Feb 26, 2018
Respecting ourselves by respecting others
The dojo is a place that fosters respect in every interaction – between instructor and student, between students themselves, and between...

Feb 19, 2018
Pausing before responding
On the mats, we learn to create a gap in the hold of an attacker to give ourselves an opportunity to escape. Whether it's a white belt...

Feb 12, 2018
Awareness of others
This week: AWARENESS OF OTHERS The times that we live in are pushing us to be increasingly selfish. We are assaulted by pressure to meet...

Jan 23, 2018
Stand up for what you believe in
So there it is! We've made it into 2018. Is this going to be the year you grab the bull by the horns and start a course you've been dying...

Dec 11, 2017
Under pressure
Learning to tackle everyday stresses through martial arts practice

Dec 4, 2017
Success is something we need to remember to celebrate at every opportunity, for ourselves and for others. This week we wish all our...

Nov 27, 2017
(With due credit to Quantum Martial Arts for this week's content.) Being calm is "a mental and emotional peace of mind, free from worry,...

Nov 20, 2017
The will to fight to the very end
As we enter the last days leading up to the last grading of the year, let's remind ourselves what Black Belt stands for: the indomitable...

Nov 13, 2017
Awareness of ourselves and of others around us is one of the first things we learn in the Northstar Ju Jitsu system that is taught at...

Nov 6, 2017
(Thank you to Darren Higgs at Quantum Martial Arts, partner dojo from the Northstar Ju Jitsu system, for this week's mat chat topic.) A...