- Oct 29, 2018
Be the reason someone smiles today
Without the ability to use our martial arts to improve our lives and those of others around us, we're just another bunch of people...
- Oct 15, 2018
The long game
If reaching a goal is important to you, then you need to put in the time and effort to prepare for it. It's that simple. You need to ask...
- Aug 27, 2018
The oak and the reed
There's an old fable about the oak and the reed. The oak stood big and strong as it had been around for a very long time, rigidly...
- Aug 13, 2018
Offering service
We build leadership by helping others. That, right there, is one of the pillars of our dojo and of our Northstar Ju Jitsu system. Why do...
- Aug 6, 2018
Working as a team
(Topic suggested by 7yo Cayden Dosoruth) It's important to be driven, entertain ambitions and set goals for ourselves. After all, unless...
- Jul 23, 2018
It's the start of a new week, and the start of a new school term for the kids. Good time to take stock and reconnect with ourselves. We...
- Jul 2, 2018
Remember to be thankful
As we make our way up through our belt system in martial arts, overcoming one challenge after another in our continuing quest to keep...
- Jun 11, 2018
No point in being someone else
Be yourself. From start to finish, just be yourself. There are going to be lots of pressures to fit in, to belong, to change yourself so...
- Apr 4, 2018
Aim big
Your #success is proportional to your #vision. If you aim to be a green belt, then that's where your peak will be. And if you want to be...
- Mar 5, 2018
Go the extra mile; it's less crowded
For every hit, there are 1,000 misses. Maybe not literally 1,000; depending on what you're aiming for, it may be far more, or it may be...