Aug 20, 2018
What is a Black Belt?
No matter how unlikely the success, a true Black Belt will always face the challenge head on. It's because a Black Belt understands that...

Aug 13, 2018
Offering service
We build leadership by helping others. That, right there, is one of the pillars of our dojo and of our Northstar Ju Jitsu system. Why do...

Jul 30, 2018
So often in life we try to control the outcome. Nature does not tend to work that way and will drop things into our path that are good...

Jun 11, 2018
No point in being someone else
Be yourself. From start to finish, just be yourself. There are going to be lots of pressures to fit in, to belong, to change yourself so...

Apr 4, 2018
Aim big
Your #success is proportional to your #vision. If you aim to be a green belt, then that's where your peak will be. And if you want to be...

Mar 5, 2018
Go the extra mile; it's less crowded
For every hit, there are 1,000 misses. Maybe not literally 1,000; depending on what you're aiming for, it may be far more, or it may be...

Jan 23, 2018
Stand up for what you believe in
So there it is! We've made it into 2018. Is this going to be the year you grab the bull by the horns and start a course you've been dying...