- Aug 31, 2011
Developing a Black Belt attitude: MARTIAL ARTS AND CHILDREN
At Arrow, we have a basic bottom line for the children: not to use your self-defence unless you feel that you are in danger. So the...
- Aug 23, 2011
Developing a Black Belt attitude: RIGHT ACTION
Right action is the result of awareness. Calm, still and present awareness, free from the play of thinking. The right response is...
- Aug 15, 2011
Developing a Black Belt attitude: SERVICE
Service to SELF Not criticising yourself for past actions. They have already happened. Self-care: nourish the body, nourish the mind....
- Aug 8, 2011
Developing a Black Belt attitude: SELF-CONTROL
Do not get angry, keep calm. When you are angry, you are out of control and it is easy to upset other people and make them angry as well....
- Aug 2, 2011
Developing a Black Belt attitude: DISCIPLINE
Learn good habits to help you achieve your goals. If you want to achieve something, set out a clear path to achieving that goal. Gradings...