- Oct 15, 2018
The long game
If reaching a goal is important to you, then you need to put in the time and effort to prepare for it. It's that simple. You need to ask...
- Aug 20, 2018
What is a Black Belt?
No matter how unlikely the success, a true Black Belt will always face the challenge head on. It's because a Black Belt understands that...
- Jul 30, 2018
So often in life we try to control the outcome. Nature does not tend to work that way and will drop things into our path that are good...
- Jun 25, 2018
Nothing truly worth achieving ever comes easily. We have to sweat for it and put in time and great effort. Along the way, sacrifices need...
- Apr 4, 2018
Aim big
Your #success is proportional to your #vision. If you aim to be a green belt, then that's where your peak will be. And if you want to be...
- Feb 5, 2018
Bouncing back from adversity
There has been a shift in recent years where parents have been encouraged to heap more and more praise on their children's...